A Talent Motivation Analysis (TMA) is an instrument that we use to gain insight into the talents, motivation and development opportunities of individuals. We use TMA in various contexts, such as recruitment and selection, career development and coaching.

As a coach or manager of athletes and models, we use TMA to gain more insight into their strengths and motivation, which can help improve their performance and support them in their development. With the help of the TMA we can draw up individual profiles and use these as a basis for making development plans and offering targeted coaching and feedback.

To use the TMA with our athletes and models, we first create a TMA profile for each talent. This will be done by having a individuall questionnaire interview, which is then analyzed to create a profile. The profile contains information about the person's talents, competences, motivation, development opportunities and pitfalls.

With the help of this information you can then provide targeted coaching and feedback, for example by offering training and development opportunities that match the talents and motivation of the person. You can also set specific goals and review them regularly to measure progress and fix any issues,

It is important to remember that the TMA is only one tool and it is not all inclusive. However, it can be a valuable addition to your coaching and development practice as it helps us better understand the individual characteristics of our athletes and models and helps provide targeted support to improve their performance and reach their potential. maximize

To create a Talent Motivation Analysis for new athletes and models, we start by identifying the key traits and skills needed to be successful in these industries.

Some examples of important traits and skills. 

* Perseverance and discipline
* Flexibility and adaptability
* Creativity and originality
* Self-confidence and self-awareness
* Good communication and presentation skills
* Physical fitness and grooming
* Teamwork and collaboration
* Patience and persistence
* Critical thinking and problem solving skills
* Entrepreneurship and commercial insight